Claire Gavin

Registered Massage Therapist

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Claire Gavin has been an RMT for over 20 years. She graduated from Darcy Lane Institute in London Ontario, and went on to own her own clinic there for 10 years. Claire has been back in her home town of Burlington for 14 years. Her primary practice has always been working in rehabilitation and enjoys working with other health care professionals. Claire has training in additional modalities such as Cupping, Laser Therapy, MPS (micro-current point stimulation) ART ( active release therapy) and Taping.  

Claire has also worked on the educational side of the professions as an Instructor as well as in Compliancy as a Peer Assessor for the College of Massage Therapist of Ontario - CMTO.  Claire looks forward to meeting and working with you.


Crystal Alford - RMT


Maria Smethurst - Office Manager