Importance Of massage therapy in today’s world


COVID has radically changed our world. 

Stress and anxiety are on the rise in people of all ages for so many reasons.  Often it is difficult to pinpoint why we have a headache or backache or neck pain and that odd feeling of malaise just can’t be shaken.  In North America there has been a stigma attached to massage therapy; that it’s a luxury or only for the wealthy.  However, as our world evolves, so has the necessity of treatments such as massage therapy.  Many cultures around the world have long since used massage therapy as part of their routine wellness plan.  Regular treatment can completely transform your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.  Massage therapy is for anyone and everyone, from newborns to the elderly, there is no limit to its benefits.


Massage therapy

Massage therapy is the manipulation of muscles and soft tissues of the body.  The three main systems it directly effects are:

·      muscular

·      circulatory

·      nervous

It has the ability to help increase circulation which ultimately reduces inflammation, stress, anxiety, and pain.  Regardless of the source of pain, massage therapy helps to relieve the body of discomfort which then generates positive feelings.  When we feel good, we are in a better mood and have more of an overall sense of happiness.  If your nervous system is off, everything is off and even a once-a-month relaxation massage will help.  Massage therapy addresses all three of your body’s systems getting fresh blood pumping and helping you to relax and feel healthier.

Using massage therapy for routine maintenance will benefit your entire body.  When paired with proper exercises and stretching, pain is not only relieved but treated.  On your first visit, the massage therapist will assess your concerns, provide treatment, and create a plan entirely based on your individual needs.  This could mean starting with treatments up to 1 to 2 times a week, with the goal of once-a-month maintenance.  A high percent of people that have extended health care coverage include massage therapy, so be sure to check and ask. 

There is no need to suffer with neck, shoulder, or back pain.  Migraines and headaches can be helped with the right massage therapy treatment plan.  Coming off the year we have all had, stress and anxiety have become the norm; but it doesn’t have to be.  Massage therapy will help relieve your nervous system, loosen your muscles, and increase circulation leading to a happier, healthier body and a more optimistic outlook on life.

At Mainway Physiotherapy, our Registered Massage Therapists (RMT), Claire Gavin and Crystal Alford, are licensed under the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario.  They are ready to help relieve your stress and increase your overall quality of life both physically and mentally.

For more information and to book an assessment today, call 905-332-3800 or visit our WEBSITE.


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