Mainway Blog
For information on treatments, exercises, health,wellness, and more…
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
A brief explanation of pelvic floor pain and the role pelvic floor physical therapy can play for you.
How to Speed Up Back Injury Recovery
Three simple exercises that can help you avoid back injury or strengthen your back once it’s been injured.
Stay active even when it’s cold outside
Being physically active, even when it’s cold outside, is important to our overall health. Get creative, here are some fun ideas to stay fit during the winter season.
8 Shoveling Techniques to Save Your Back This Winter Season
As the snow piles up, it’s important to remember proper shovelling techniques to help keep you pain-free while clearing away all the snow!
Warm up so you can skate hot
Warming up properly before practice or competition will set the pace of your game and your ability to recover.
Is acupuncture right for me?
A step-by-step guide to acupuncture treatment and how it can help with your pain.
Back-to-school, back-to-routine, back-to-physical fitness
Several studies have shown that students who engage in physical activity often have better grades, better attendance, increased memory, and are better able to focus on assigned tasks.
Back IN school means backpacks
When choosing a backpack for your child there are few important things that a parent should keep in mind.
Pelvic Health awareness, for women AND men!
A common misconception is that women are the only individuals that need to concern themselves with pelvic floor health.
Welcome back Deanna!
After being on maternity leave for about a year, we would like to congratulate and welcome back Deanna Jensen, our registered Pelvic Health Physiotherapist.