Can physiotherapists help with a Rotator Cuff Tear?

Rotator Cuff Tear

The rotator cuff is a group of four tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint and help to lift the arms overhead. The tendons connect to the four muscles that move the shoulder.

These muscles include:

  • Supraspinatus

  • Infraspinatus

  • Teres minor

  • Subscapularis

In the following video, Jia Chen, Registered Physiotherapist with Mainway Physiotherapy explains rotator cuffs. Jia has a strong interest in orthopedic injuries, using manual therapy, acupuncture, dry needling, and functional exercises to restore health and balance.

What are the Rotator Cuffs

Rotator cuff tear

Rotator cuff damage can occur from an injury or as a result of repetitive strains and wear and tear to the tendons. This happens more often in people who do work or play sports that involve repetitive, overhead movements. Minor strain injuries can progress to a partial tear of the tendons or a complete rupture of the muscles with loss of shoulder joint function. However, a complete tear can also occur without symptoms; this often occurs in older adults who are less active.

These types of injuries will present differently which will allow your physiotherapist to diagnose each individual patient differently. In doing so, each patient will have an individualized rehabilitation plan. 

Can Physiotherapists help with a Rotator Cuff Tear?

Yes, they are trained in a variety of modalities that will get you back to work or playing sports. In the following video, Jia Chen explains what a physiotherapist can do to reduce pain and inflammation.

Acupuncture and Rotator Cuff Injury

Mainway Physiotherapy has multiple professionals on staff that can utilize acupuncture for rotator cuff injuries. When you are having a lot of pain, acupuncture can help to reduce the pain, reduce inflammation, and help restore mobility.

In the next video, Jia Chen talks about Acupuncture and Dry Needling:

Exercise and Rotator Cuff Injury

A partial or complete tear of a rotator cuff muscle can make it difficult to just raise or move your arm. The first step is to rebuild flexibility within the joint. There are some gentle stretches and gentle exercises that may be recommended depending on the severity of the injury and what stage of healing you are at.

Your physiotherapist will work with you to develop a personalized treatment program to restore the strength and mobility of your shoulder.

The next video explains exercise when you have a rotator cuff injury:

Treatment options may vary depending on your physiotherapist. After an initial assessment, we will create a detailed plan of your individualized treatment process. It may include:

  • Manual therapy

  • Soft tissue release

  • Acupuncture

  • Taping

  • Pain management and education

  • Progressive strengthening

  • Appropriate home exercise program

To learn more about the treatments that Mainway Physiotherapy has to offer, feel free to contact us!

Additional Resource:

Let’s Talk About Rotator Cuff Injuries


Lower Back pain and Physiotherapy


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