Massage Therapy: Not a Luxury but an Essential Wellness Tool!

Man laying on his stomach with a towel over the lower half of his body. The massage therapist is kneading his shoulder blade.

Self-care is so important to accept and practice in our daily lives. There’s an awareness of fitness and overall well-being that is causing people to evaluate their food choices, evaluate wellness products, and establish a fitness regime.

Despite people becoming more mindful of their overall health and fitness, massage is still viewed as a luxury in North America. Whereas in Asia, massage is considered a part of a healthy lifestyle and effective in alleviating various ailments. It is invaluable to learn from other cultures and perhaps understand the importance and health benefits of massage therapy.

Benefits of Massage Therapy 

Massage is indeed an incredible way to experience self-love and pampering, but there’s a lot more beyond that to help our bodies heal and be healthy. Several studies have unveiled the importance of massage therapy in improving physical and mental well-being.

1. Reduction in pain

Several studies including the popular gate control theory of pain have verified that regular massage therapy can significantly help alleviate joint and muscle pain. For instance, one study found that patients suffering from chronic lower back pain experienced a significant drop in pain with periodic massage sessions. 

Additionally, people with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, cancer, auto-immune disorders, etc. can also experience considerable pain relief with professional massage therapy.

Six side views of a human body showing different types of posture.

2. Improvement in posture

Postural issues and musculoskeletal complaints are on the rise because of increased sedentary work for a longer duration. By sitting in front of the computer or TV for long periods of time and with activities like reading, writing, or using gadgets/devices in a reclining position or with heads bent down, posture is compromised significantly.

A proper massage can help reduce muscle tension and joint stiffness, improve circulation, alleviate pain, and thereby improve posture over time. Furthermore, a deep-tissue massage can help release tension in the muscles supporting the spine and promote spinal alignment. 

3. Improving range of motion and recovery time

Massage therapy combined with appropriate amounts of exercise and rest can expedite recovery in case of chronic pain or injury and improve flexibility and range of motion.

A good massage increases blood flow to the muscles and oxygenates them significantly which in turn can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.  The application of pressure to the sore muscles helps to break down scar tissue, alleviates joint restriction, and can improve range of movement. 

4. Reduction in stress and improved emotional and mental health

Massage therapy has proven to be one of the best natural and non-invasive ways of combating stress, and improving physiological well-being. This entails manipulating the soft tissues in the body which helps release endorphins. These act as natural painkillers and mood elevators, help reduce anxiety and stress and promote calmness and overall well-being. 

Woman wearing white leggings and sports top kicking an oversized, green, ball that looks like a virus. Three more virus balls faded on the left.

5. Builds immunity

Many studies have stated that weakened immunity is linked to psychological stress. 

By utilizing professional massage therapy, you are sure to experience a reduction in stress levels, relax your mind and body and boost your body’s ability to fend off infections and illnesses.

Ensuring the best massage therapy treatment

The benefits of massage therapy are numerous but it is crucial to note that people will only reap these benefits when treated by a Registered Massage Therapist.

At Mainway Physiotherapy, our Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) are trained extensively and licensed under the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. For every client, we meticulously assess their issues and devise an individualized wellness plan to help their recovery and overall well-being.

Reach out to Mainway Physiotherapy and leverage massage therapy in your fitness regime. Say goodbye to pain and stress, and embrace wellness of body and mind.




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