Top 3 Common Golf Injuries and How Mainway Can Help

Woman wearing all white on a golf course near the hole bending over holding  her knee with her golf club and ball on the green beside her.

Golf is often perceived as a low-impact and gentle sport, but in reality, the sport involves several complex body movements that lead to muscle stress and injury. As per research, all golfers are prone to injury whether they pursue it professionally or just for recreational purposes. The same research states that amateur golfers have an incidence of injury ranging from 25.2% to 67.7%, while professional golfers have higher rates, 31% to 88.5% during their lives.

Most golf injuries typically occur because of the powerful and repetitive nature of a golf swing. If proper biomechanics do not occur during a swing, even a professional player can regress to their amateur days and sustain injuries. 

Top 3 Common Golf Injuries and Their Probable Reasons:

1. Lower back pain

Most golfers typically complain about lower back pain. It usually happens as golfers hunch over their clubs for hours and each swing transmits the rotational forces through their spine over and over again. These factors are the primary contributors to lower back pain that can worsen if golfers disregard their pain and continue playing with improper posture or techniques.

2. Golfers elbow

Pain on the outside of the elbow is referred to as Tennis elbow, while pain on the inside of the elbow is called Golfers elbow. This injury is especially common with the newbies who get involved in this sport in a short span of time and therefore not allowing their body to adapt to new forces and muscle movements. Golfers' elbow typically happens when the wrists are used excessively to attain a higher golf swing, which puts excessive pressure on the elbow joint and its associated muscular structure.

Arm from shoulder down with muscles and joints labeled and a red dot showing where golfers elbow occurs.

3. Knee pain

The classic golf swing imposes a lot of strain on the knees as the body tries to stabilize the sudden hip rotation. Golfers often feel pain on the inside of the knee or all over the knee cap owing to the rotational forces. Lacking strength and stability around the knees can cause golfers to experience sprains (Injury to ligaments), strains (injury to muscles), injured or torn meniscus, tendinopathy (injury to tendons), and even osteoarthritis (degeneration of joint cartilage leading to pain, stiffness and decreased mobility).

How Mainway Physiotherapy Can Help

It’s true that the sport of golf is often perceived as more of a mind game, but actually, the sport requires high levels of power, mobility, and speed. Improper pieces of equipment, incorrect techniques, inadequate warm-ups, or excessive playing can all make golfers prone to various injuries. If these injuries are ignored as minor discomforts, they can become chronic and drag on for all your lives. Moreover, a neglected injury can make your body prone to many more injuries, and impact not just your game, but the overall quality of your life.

For prevention and treatment, it is best to find a credible physiotherapy clinic with trained professionals to help with your discomfort or pain and get back to living an active, painless lifestyle. Mainway Physiotherapy employs a team of registered physiotherapists, chiropractors, and massage therapists adept at handling golf-related injuries and other painful conditions.  

Sectioned blue rectangle - silhouette of woman playing golf - Mainway Physiotherapy logo, Andrew Hoermann wearing black golf shirt holding golf club while swinging right leg forward.

At Mainway Physiotherapy, you will be empathetically and meticulously assessed for your pain-related concerns and an appropriate treatment plan will be devised in the best interest of your health and well-being. 

The various treatment plans that could be incorporated into your wellness and fitness journey are as follows:

Any one or a combination of these treatments can be used to alleviate your pain and give you the desired results. Also, you will be taught several preventive and strengthening exercises to help you avert such injuries in the future and lead a happy, healthy, and pain-free lifestyle!

If you are facing pain due to a golf-related injury or any other reason, feel free to reach out to Mainway Physiotherapy to seek reliable counseling and expert pain relief therapy.


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