Welcome back Deanna!


Deanna Jensen, Pelvic Health Specialist

After being on maternity leave for about a year, we would like to congratulate and welcome back Deanna Jensen, our registered Pelvic Health Physiotherapist.  She and her family welcomed a son, named Lucas during an unprecedented time, especially in health care.  Having a baby always has its challenges, but during the pandemic it has made life especially difficult for new mom’s.

“We weren’t meant to do this alone” Deanna reflects.  What she has learned from this past year is the importance of support; “we are in a time when we are getting the bare minimum of care, unable to feel secure with friends and family helping.”  Having a newborn in a time when so much has been cut off is scary and uncertain.  Deanna relates to anyone with health issues, to have to do it alone, it’s not fair and it’s unexplainably hard.

As a Pelvic Health Specialist, and a new mom, Deanna sees many female clients who have gone through either a cesarean birth or vaginal birth that has impacted their pelvic floor.  Not only do they have less help with a newborn because of the pandemic but they are also experiencing pain and discomfort.  Carrying so much weight for 9 months, the hormonal changes, tears, scar tissue, and even emotional trauma can injure the pelvic floor.  This can lead to urinary and/or fecal incontinence, prolapse, pain with sex, among other issues.  Giving birth is only one of many ways the pelvic floor can be damaged.


Another big contributor to pelvic floor issues is stress, making everyone susceptible.  The pelvic floor muscles are unique in the way they contract automatically when your fight or flight system is turned on.  This affects both men and women as overuse can be occurring without an individual even realizing it.


·      Cancer

·      MS

·      Parkinson’s

·      IBS

·      PCOS

·      Post-surgical (i.e. post prostatectomy)

·      Chronic constipation

·      Poor habits over time

·      Trauma (sexual and/or physical)

Deanna has many clients who have been suffering and avoiding activities in many aspects of their lives due to pelvic floor issues. She helps them care for their bodies and provides support to be able to continue living comfortably as we all continue to navigate the isolation and fear that COVID has created.  Deanna reiterates that “it is important for everyone to take care of their health.  There are so many myths about what’s normal, we tend to accept not feeling as healthy as we would like because it’s ‘just what happens.’” 

As with any health concern it is important to seek diagnosis and treatment.  Having a good support system is crucial.  Deanna is ready to help.  Currently she is taking appointments on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings to treat your pelvic floor pain and dysfunction. 

Visit our WEBSITE today to book an appointment or call 905-332-3800.


Pelvic Health awareness, for women AND men!


Tennis elbow, not just in tennis players