Mainway Blog
For information on treatments, exercises, health,wellness, and more…
The Value of Mainway Physiotherapy
An overview of the services provided at Mainway Physiothearpy to help relieve and prevent pain and injuries while improving mobility and quality of life.
How Physiotherapy helps with Snow Shoveling Injuries
Shoveling snow can cause strain and injury to various parts of the body, including the back, shoulders, arms, and legs. Understanding how to correctly shovel will help to prevent injuries.
Physiotherapy for Hockey Injuries
Hockey is a fast-paced sport. It combines players of different sizes and speeds together on an ice rink with furious, non-stop action. Hockey players put themselves at risk for injury at any moment while playing.
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction is Treatable
The pelvic floor muscles are essential for optimum everyday function and, when weak or too tight, can affect the quality of life for both women and men. When the muscles in the pelvic floor are too weak or too tight, it can lead to pelvic floor dysfunction.
The Do's & Don'ts for Frozen Shoulder
The Mainway Physiotherapy team is well-educated and well-versed in treating chronic pain conditions. Our goal is to help you return to an active, pain-free lifestyle.
How Can We Prevent Back Pain and Improve Mobility?
Our Physiotherapists at Mainway Physiotherapy want to help you get back to your active, pain-free lifestyle!
Frozen Shoulder and Treatments
Frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis, is a painful condition causing extreme stiffness or limited immobility in the shoulder.
Lower Back pain and Physiotherapy
Lower back pain is one of the leading causes of physical disability, especially at the workplace and now with so many working from home.
Can physiotherapists help with a Rotator Cuff Tear?
The rotator cuff is a group of four tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint and help to lift the arms overhead. The tendons connect to the four muscles that move the shoulder.
How to identify if you have a Concussion
We are often asked how to identify a concussion and how to treat one. We see countless concussions from sports injuries and more.