With Soccer Comes Injuries… But What if There is a Way to Prevent it?

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Summer is fast approaching.

This means that outdoor sports and activities are going to be beginning before we know it!

The staff at Mainway Physiotherapy wants to make sure that we are doing everything we can to educate athletes on how to prevent common injuries from occurring as the warmer months come. 

Soccer is an extremely popular sport among people of all ages. From recreational to the beer leagues, we have all been locked up inside of our homes for quite some time now which means that our bodies have not been conditioned properly and most of us have not been actively participating in sports. 

Here at Mainway Physiotherapy, we think it is important to educate you not only on some of the common injuries that occur in soccer and other sports, but also ways to prevent those injuries from occurring. After all, it is much easier to prevent an injury than it is to rehabilitate one!

So let’s dive right into it!

What are the most common injuries that occur in soccer?

The three injuries that our physiotherapists tend to treat the most are Lateral Ankle Sprains, Hamstring Strains and ACL tears. 

Lateral ankle sprains are very common because it is very easy to sprain your ankle. This injury can occur from something as small as uneven grass, turning directions too quick, or with physical contact from another player. Although in the middle of a game it may be hard to gain awareness on how you are moving your feet, we highly recommend you always maintain proper balance to prevent this type of injury!

Hamstring strains are also common when it comes to running or kicking the ball. We recommend you properly stretch before beginning to play and to be as aware as possible of the way you are moving your legs!

An ACL tear is without a doubt the most serious common soccer injury that we treat at Mainway Physiotherapy. We tend to see this injury most in our teenage athletes and it can occur both with and without contact. Typically ACL tears occur from landing wrong during a serious fall.

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What can be done to prevent these injuries from occurring?

Injuries are inevitable when you are playing a high-demand sport and we want to give you the tools to prevent injuries from occurring. 

Some of the best prevention strategies include:

  • Participating in sport-specific strength training and conditioning

  • Proper warm-ups and cool-downs

  • Building your body up for the demands of the sport

  • Staying alert of your body while playing

If you are interested in learning more about what Mainway Physiotherapy has to offer or would like to become more educated on how to prevent common injuries, visit our website where we stay up to date with blogs and more!

Or if you would like to book an appointment click here!

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Beth Marchant

Graphic Designer and Small Business Supporter in Southern Ontario.


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