Acupuncture and its origins

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As our society evolves, so has the desire to seek alternative medical treatments before needing the aid of pharmaceuticals.  For many years, acupuncture was ignored and almost ridiculed in western society.  A medical treatment based on philosophy did not resonate well where science and research dominated the health and wellness field.  With its origins in China, some evidence pointing to its use more than 4000 years ago using sharpened stones and bones, the longevity of its practice should almost speak for itself.  In more recent years, acupuncture is increasingly being used worldwide as its benefits and results continue to relieve countless medical problems.


The practice of acupuncture is connected to our life energy, or “Qi”, which flows through the channels in our body called meridians.  There are 12 meridians with more than 360 acupuncture points.  It is the belief that when our energy flow in the body is disrupted that symptoms of dysfunction manifest.  Acupuncture will stimulate the flow of Qi in the body and restore health.  One of the most common reasons to seek acupuncture treatment is that it helps lower stress levels.  Though the Chinese initially had no scientific evidence of utilizing acupuncture, that has since changed.  Utilizing needles mechanically breaks up tight and tender trigger point muscles which alters cortisol levels and reduces inflammation in the body.  Science has shown that acupuncture releases the body’s natural endogenous opioids to aid in relief and recovery.    

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Oftentimes clients are hesitant to try acupuncture because they’re fearful or get anxious about their body being poked with needles.  The goal of acupuncture isn’t to induce pain or anxiety, it is to reduce those levels.  The needles used are very fine and thin, made out of sterile metal or gold.  Most people can relate to the feeling of being bitten by a mosquito, this is comparable to the feeling of being treated with an acupuncture needle without the red bump and itchiness afterwards.  These needles are used to target acupuncture points and trigger points which are always the same.  They’re inserted in select points which typically correlate with the body’s trigger points.  Acupuncturists strategically place needles where they will disrupt the negative energy that is causing problems.  Some say it can even be relaxing or meditative when being treated as your body rests and remains still for the duration of the session.

Becoming an acupuncturist is not easy. 

It requires specific training, some with extensive four-year programs if that is the only practice pursued.  Otherwise, depending on an individual's prior studies and degrees there are different training opportunities available.  For example, physiotherapists can take courses in dry needling and after a select amount of coursework and hands-on experience will become certified.  Physicians have other options available that require less coursework but mandatory practice on human models before they can become certified.  Often trained acupuncturists will attend conferences or take additional courses to become well educated and versed in executing the practice.  The combination of academic and applied experience ensures that all certified acupuncturists are prepared to treat and relieve the discomfort of their clients.    

Ultimately the goal of acupuncture is to stimulate the body’s natural release of opioids and other chemicals.  Depending on the ailment, it can break the cycle of negative Qi and restore energy flow. 

The uses of acupuncture seem endless:

The possibilities for pain relief or overcoming perpetual ailments without the use of medications or prescriptions is promising.  At Mainway Physiotherapy we are dedicated to providing our clients with options and opportunities to achieve their desired health goals in a way that is comfortable and safe.  Acupuncture is an ancient solution that is proven to help and even cure modern-day ailments. 

Set up your session today by visiting our website or calling 905-332-3800.


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